An open space for global conversation
Establishing Common Ground: Co-creating our Future Around the Dining Table
Members: 33
Latest Activity: Aug 21, 2012
Started by Ben Roberts Aug 21, 2012. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Dear "Occupy Your Neighborhood" Friends:Hope this finds you all in fine fettle!I thought about this group as soon as we got inspired during our design conversation for…Continue
Started by David Eggleton. Last reply by David Eggleton Jan 18, 2012. 3 Replies 0 Likes
Economy of scale acquires wonderful new meaning when permaculture design manages to…Continue
Tags: suburban, urban, neighborhood, permaculture design, design
Started by Ben Roberts. Last reply by Ben Roberts Jan 11, 2012. 9 Replies 0 Likes
Friends:I would love to see us experiment with a series of "kitchen table occupations," using OC as a way to link them together into one large and powerful dialogue. We will have a nice juicy…Continue
Started by Ron Czecholinski. Last reply by Ron Czecholinski Jan 10, 2012. 18 Replies 2 Likes
Let's start a list of resources that could help organize and facilitate face to face conversation and action.Continue
Yes, thanks for the great starting point, Ron. If you don't mind further friendly questioning of our starting points, I'm also wondering about the "neighborhood" part. I love the idea of encouraging more neighborhood-based community. And at the same time, to get there, I wonder if we have to start smaller, at a more personal level. Even in building neighborhood community/conversation, are we talking about in people's homes? I'm very open to all possibilities for how we'll describe this - I just need a little help to move my brain out of the dining room and into the neighborhood.
Sure - I meant it as "transcending" but can see how it can have a negative effect. Also- it was only meant as a starting point, let's come up with something that communicates co-creating our future.
Thanks for creating this space, Ron. And hello, Lindsay!
When I first saw the title (Creating Common Ground: conversation and action across party lines) I was a little taken aback at the "across party lines" part. I wondered if that positioning would actually invite division, causing people to define themselves as "on one side of the party line or the other." Then Lindsay's comments seemed to confirm that. Is there other wording we could use that just addresses our core humanity? Even "Common Ground" focuses our attention on how/whether we're currently standing on other-than-common ground. Could we focus attention instead on the future we want to create together? That's the ultimate common ground, isn't it?
Glad you joined Lindsay. I have been in conversation with Ben Roberts about connecting a face to face component here. I also have been in conversation with Michelle Holiday about this (she wrote the occupy your dining table article).
I work with Sociocracy, a very effective organization and decision making model. Some of us are in conversation also about this. I imagine the possibility of using World Cafe to facilitate initial conversation and Sociocracy for organization and forward movement.
Invite who you think would be interested - let's get the core group together and figure out how to make this happen.
What time and skills do you have?
So glad you started this and hope Aerin will find us and join us here as well (Habalamos de la comunidad)
Sounds so easy and is exactly twhat has to happen ..but try and tell that to the Dems, the Repulicans, the Green Party all gearing up for 2012..none seeing themselves as "the 99%"..none willing to even meet, yet alone act beyond party identity.
Had the Occupy movement actually brought this about anywhere? Is it happening? How do we actually bring this about?
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Posted by Richard Kreidler on September 15, 2015 at 10:09pm 1 Comment 0 Likes
Posted by Aria Littlhous on October 2, 2013 at 5:49am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Aria Littlhous on September 12, 2013 at 7:29pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Kevin Parcell on September 11, 2013 at 12:56pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
by Brian E Shumsky Added November 27, 2012 at 11:36pm
by Ben Roberts Added July 10, 2012 at 5:54pm
by Cheryl Honey Added July 3, 2012 at 12:03pm 4 Comments
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