Jitendra Darling
  • Male
  • Novato, CA
  • United States
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  • Brian McConnell
  • Nicholas Ernesto Sismil
  • Anselm Ibing
  • Cheryl Honey
  • Shaktari
  • KMO
  • Scott Krabler
  • Wiliam Francis Klein
  • Jim Prues
  • Zen Benefiel
  • Jonathan Feldman
  • lemme howdt
  • Christine Whitney Sanchez
  • Mushin
  • Julie Heyman

Jitendra Darling's Discussions

Occupy Heart 11/29: Happiness as a Choice

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mark E. Smith Nov 29, 2012. 5 Replies

Happiness can be a fast track to empowerment.  Occupy Heart is doing its part to meet these…Continue

Occupy Heart 11/8: Gifts—Key to Transforming Society?

Started this discussion. Last reply by KellyAngelPdx Nov 10, 2012. 5 Replies

Imagine waking up tomorrow morning with full awareness, appreciation and TRUST in who you…Continue

Occupy Heart 11/1: Choice or Consequences

Started this discussion. Last reply by Shikha Nov 5, 2012. 81 Replies

THURSDAYS3pm PT | 6pm ET | 10pm GMT…Continue

Occupy Heart 10/25: Foundation for Collaboration

Started this discussion. Last reply by C. A. Bradfield Nov 22, 2012. 49 Replies

Collaboration is crackling in the air.  Ben, Pia and I attended a conference in Seattle…Continue

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Jitendra Darling's Page

Latest Activity

Jitendra Darling replied to Vic Desotelle's discussion IS "THRIVE" A SIMILAR MOVEMENT? MOVIE PREMIERS ON 11:11:11
"Fascinating is my compulsion to extend this conversation.  I feel a profound identification with Foster and his mission to share a picture of what is, so that we can create wise and effective strategies implemented via intelligent tactics to…"
Jan 11, 2012
Jitendra Darling replied to Vic Desotelle's discussion IS "THRIVE" A SIMILAR MOVEMENT? MOVIE PREMIERS ON 11:11:11
"Rob did finally publish my post. No foul. I was a first-time poster and so needed moderation. To think he didn't get up in the middle of the night to publish... Here's my last response to complete the thread.  Many of the posters…"
Jan 10, 2012
Jitendra Darling replied to Vic Desotelle's discussion IS "THRIVE" A SIMILAR MOVEMENT? MOVIE PREMIERS ON 11:11:11
"I understand the fear of pointing to people as "cause".  If one were to become fixed on those assessments, victimhood would be the only choice left.  Ultimately, each individual is left to recognize their own complicity in every…"
Jan 10, 2012
Jitendra Darling replied to Vic Desotelle's discussion IS "THRIVE" A SIMILAR MOVEMENT? MOVIE PREMIERS ON 11:11:11
"I experience Thrive as brilliant.  Much of it information I've gleaned from separate sources over many years, collated and seamlessly merged into a single narrative. I get that some simply don't believe it.  I have been to…"
Jan 9, 2012
Jitendra Darling replied to Vic Desotelle's discussion IS "THRIVE" A SIMILAR MOVEMENT? MOVIE PREMIERS ON 11:11:11
"I posted a follow up and then after getting who Rob is, I went back for one more communication.  The 2 follow here:"
Jan 9, 2012
Jitendra Darling replied to Vic Desotelle's discussion IS "THRIVE" A SIMILAR MOVEMENT? MOVIE PREMIERS ON 11:11:11
"Noticed the post above is being bypassed for publication on the site you link. Just left a second post musing if it's because I'm not on the staus quo wagon."
Jan 9, 2012
Jitendra Darling replied to Vic Desotelle's discussion IS "THRIVE" A SIMILAR MOVEMENT? MOVIE PREMIERS ON 11:11:11
"I found the post to more of an oppositional rant, basically behaving in a manner consistent with what he was accusing Foster.  Of course, I support and encourage people to see the movie.  I own a copy and have attended 5 community…"
Jan 9, 2012
Jitendra Darling replied to Vic Desotelle's discussion Wall Street at its finest ... Hedge Broker Shuts Down Firm With Chilling Letter About the Market
"Something about this letter and the tone of the entire exchange seems a bit fishy [contrived]. "
Nov 26, 2011
Jitendra Darling replied to Vic Desotelle's discussion IS "THRIVE" A SIMILAR MOVEMENT? MOVIE PREMIERS ON 11:11:11
"Just saw it and purchased a DVD to hold screenings for groups.  I thought it brilliant.  I've known most of what was shared for many years, but the way it was assembled and presented as a clear, concise (even at 2 hours), coherent…"
Nov 26, 2011

Profile Information

How would you characterize your connection to the Occupy movement?
Movement organizer, Not active but a supporter
List of on-the-ground Occupy sites where you participate, if any
Occupy Marin, Occupy San Francisco
How did you hear about Occupy Cafe?
What draws you to Occupy Cafe?
The inexorable attraction to connecting visions and conversations, actions and dreams, hearts and minds among our earthly family across all borders.

The opportunity to participate in the restoration of human dignity at an epic scale, a scale reflected in the force of the global #Occupy movement.

The joy of witnessing the beauty and brilliance of every soul dancing in the theater of this majestic turning of an Age.

The Love and awe of co-creating with the great Intelligence at work in us, through us, emergent as us. We are Freedom.

This is simply brilliant!

Jitendra Darling's Blog

A New Inner Economy: Restoring Dignity to Our Human Experience

Posted on June 4, 2012 at 12:30am 3 Comments

A New Inner Economy: Restoring Dignity to Our Human…


Bail-out Bombshell: Fed "Emergency" Bank Rescue Totaled $29 Trillion Over Three Years

Posted on December 16, 2011 at 10:30pm 3 Comments

I reprinted the beginning of this article by J. Andrew Felkerson from Alternet.org as it sheds more light on the complete failure of the current financial system.  Not that we didn't already know it is a failed system, but Felkerson's research may reveal a magnitude of collapse that may make even those politicians, in the…


In considering Democracy 2.0: Any System Defaults to the Consciousness Driving It

Posted on December 1, 2011 at 6:00pm 4 Comments

"Representing all voices continually and repeatedly."  This was a phrase I tossed out in an email a few days back and it just came flying back like a boomerang.  It does seem to be at the core of this unfolding experiment in democracy called Occupy.  I extracted this blog from one of my replies within a spirited email conversation regarding the proposed National General Assembly for July 4, 2012 in Philadelphia, PA and whether or not a system of delegates is Paleozoic and we…


Next for the Occupy Movement: Target and Drive Corporate Shills Out of Congress

Posted on November 26, 2011 at 1:42pm 11 Comments

Just read this re-post from Op Ed News on the #Occupy Wall Street: New York City General Assembly website.  I couldn't agree more, that the teeth of this movement need to sink themselves into Congress.  The politicians that do the bidding of corporate interests can only operate if we 1. put them there; 2. allow them to stay.  It makes sense that Congress is the most vulnerable link in the chain of execution for continued consolidation of corporate power and control in our flagging…


Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 11:14pm on May 6, 2012, Angelina Llongueras said…

Thanks for the welcome Jitendra. Hope to have some interesting conversations with you all.


At 12:23am on May 1, 2012, Johan Ostlund said…

Hi Jitendra,

and thanks for the welcome! I'm hoping to be at the protest, indeed. Maybe I'll see you there?

Peace and kindness,


At 3:42pm on April 10, 2012, Cecile Green said…

Hello Jitendra! I've been watching the announcements for the Occupy Cafe come in since I registered for this site a few weeks ago and wanted to reach out and thank you for initiating these important conversations! While I haven't had the bandwidth to join any of the calls I did want to let you know that I'm currently facilitating for the Occupation in Vermont (Montpelier, Burlington) and have just launched a business that is offering a comprehensive organizational operating system that integrates self-organization and produces a high performance organization. The system I've constructed is inspired and influenced by Integral Theory, Sociocracy, Holacracy, Appreciative Inquiry, Non-violent Communication, Agile Software, Lean Management, and more. Here's the link to my website, though we've just launched it and I'm currently writing the white paper, so there's not much further detail on the system itself quite yet: round sky solutions. In terms of the Occupation, I've had some success in brining in some of the core aspects of this system especially to Montpelier and I'm proud to say that that's part of what makes us the most organized and effective Occupation in Vermont at this point. I'd love to connect further and share more details about what I'm learning and developing. Would you be interested in a half hour chat sometime? cecile@roundskysolutions.com

At 3:03am on February 29, 2012, Rebecca Stauffer said…

Thanks, Jitendra, I'll do the Connect 2012 process.

I received an email from MoveOn.org today regarding the 99% Spring. Is this something that Occupy Cafe is also involved with?

Thanks for the outreach.


At 12:47pm on January 12, 2012, Marti roach said…

Hi Jitendra

I read Christine's email last night and would like to explore supporting the AI initiative at Occupy Cafe.  I am Bay Area (moraga) and a ToP and AI practitioner. Looking for a way to plug into the Cafe. have been active with Occupy in other ways.  I know you are Marin County so am reaching out to another Bay Area person- can you direct me to information or a step.  Thanks, Marti 925-376-3853

At 2:23pm on January 5, 2012, Wiliam Francis Klein said…

Hi Jitendra,

I saw you at the JPCA meeting last night. What'd you think? I'd like to work more on #Occupy issues & communications too. I'm a social ecologist finishing an Ed.D. in media studies. I'm interested in all forms of participatory, empowering, educational, community based devlopment... I don't live far, just over in Contra Costa

At 8:57am on January 4, 2012, Wiliam Francis Klein said…

Hi Jitendra,

I'm not here to push an agenda, political or otherwise. Rocky announced on Dec. 12. We filed for qualification with the State three days later. There are three elements to the Justice Part USA structure: the state parties, the national party, and the presidential campaign.

We, at the Justice Party of California attempting to build a true, consensus based, direct deliberative democracy, general assembly process. We are using the Maestro Conference software for a Justice Party of CA GA meeting tonight. If you would like to participate go here:

Justice Party California - Register Now | Facebook

Justice Party California - Register Now - CA voters - for a real choice, get the Justice Party on our ballots. | Facebook.

www.facebook.com/.../Justice-Party-California.../260101037382642 - Cached - Similar

and find this to sign up:

Justice Party California - Register Now

Wednesday night, January 4 from 7 to 9 PM PT. All are welcome and encouraged to participate. Please share widely.

Register For:Justice Party of California General Conference Call - Our 'Journey to Justice' Begins!.


This is the very first General Conference Call for the Justice Party of California. We need your participation so we all can begin the process of creating a revolutionary new kind of political party, which is 100% controlled by all members, and not by a privileged elite few.

and finally, this is the new website we are building:


At 6:49pm on November 4, 2011, Mary Engel said…

Hi JItendra,  
I'm navigating the site, glad to see that you are part of stewarding this Cafe.  It is fantastic and inspiring.  In Unity,  Mary


Weekly Cafe Calls

Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

"Vital Conversations" 

8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"

1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

Latest Activity

Clay Forsberg posted a blog post

"Happy Birthday Occupy Wall Street ... thoughts on Year One"

Fifteen years ago, I ran across a book, "100 Most Influential People in History," during one of my dalliances to my local Marin County bookstore. "Influential People" was one man's assessment on exactly that. But how he determined his rankings was the interesting part. They weren't always the reasons you would think. But after thinking about it, they made complete sense. For example:George Washington was ranked in the top 40 of all time. Understandable. But the reason why ... not so much. You…See More
Sep 20, 2012
Clay Forsberg is now a member of Occupy Cafe
Sep 20, 2012
Vic Desotelle posted a group

Leadership Ecology

When a Leadership Ecology occurs, a web of relationships emerges revealing each person’s authentic leadership qualities through the transfer of their power to others. When done in a conscious way – a shared collaborative awakening happens.See More
Feb 6, 2012
Vic Desotelle posted a blog post
Feb 3, 2012


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