December 2011 Blog Posts (59)

2012 -- The end of the world as we know it?

Over the last 20 years I have heard a lot of talk, seen documentaries and Youtube videos on the topic of the Mayan Doomsday date of December 21, 2012. Although many of the theories that people have may sound possible, I believe we will all be waking up in our beds on December 22, 2012, that is if we don't die of natural causes, accidents or violent crime first.

I do believe, however, that 2012 may be the year that we may see the end of the world as we know it. Due to present…


Added by indiana.activist on December 31, 2011 at 8:05pm — No Comments


Bottom Line? The 1% is also using Gene Sharps non violent revolution strategy to bring the 1% into formal rule in America as President and Vice President for the 1%.  Americans Elect is really the real world implementation of founder Peter Ackerman's book.  Their agenda?

Well, they hope to elect Ron Paul who believes that anything not specifically authorized by the consiution is illegal , you know things like Social Security, Medicare, the Anti-Poverty Program, Environmental Law; who…


Added by Lindsay Newland Bowker on December 30, 2011 at 10:31am — 16 Comments

They got T.A.R.P, We get Tarps

Our Tent City 


 Each night the police arrive like clockwork between 10:00 and 10:30 most nights to "supervise" as we dismantle our tents and anything else resembling a "structure".

No shelter at night. Sleeping outside in winter, no matter how good the camping equipment we may have, is…

Added by Jennifer Hazard on December 29, 2011 at 2:17pm — No Comments

Occupy the US Senate

A missive to the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations calling on the end to war in Iraq and investment in ordnance and a shift of focus toward the wellbeing of humans, especially the most vulnerable.

Behind the message is a story of Death Camps where children are exploited by mafia as a 'cash cow' where profit is…


Added by Jeff Mowatt on December 29, 2011 at 4:26am — No Comments




I have been involved in foreclosures for the past five years, I fought for my house and I won my case in court. I can shed some light on this mortgage mess; Modifications do not work, the most important aspect of modification is the fact that the borrower has to give up certain rights that are very valuable. 


Protect your rights. 


The better issue is Principal Reduction and Interest rate reduction, Wells Fargo does not own the loans, the…


Added by Mario Kenny on December 25, 2011 at 1:15pm — No Comments

Occupy Christmas

Occupy Christmas  This is a very thoughtful and inspiring article exploring Jesus' action on the money changers in the temple - was he an Ocuppier?  Happy Holidays everyone.

Added by Sandi Rubay on December 24, 2011 at 3:48pm — 3 Comments

Opportunity's in Design

What you see in my title has one meaning. What you hear in it has another. I will address both meanings.

If you are un- or underemployed, you would like, and may often dream of, a new, more authentic and secure foundation for living.  You would like, and may often dream of, giving your best in a setting characterized by individuals giving their distinctive bests.  You are very weary of reading and hearing that people are lazy, ignorant and indifferent, concerned primarily about how…


Added by David Eggleton on December 23, 2011 at 1:11pm — No Comments

Goals, process, togetherness.

Just off the cuff here...a few comments.  I am remembering how the right took this country over, beginning in the 50's.  It's taken them 60 years to basically dominate our politics.  Through ideologically driven issues like the right to own a gun, abortion, gay marriage, terrorism, deregulation, freedom and liberty, immigration and debt ceilings, they have played on the emotions of Americans and manipulated the debate.  It's always about patriotism and God.

My point is that what…


Added by John Mulkins on December 23, 2011 at 1:30am — 4 Comments


Call Speaker of the House John Boehner and tell him to pass the Payroll Tax Cut Extension, or Prepare to lose $40 a week out of your paycheck. His number is: Boehner's Phone: (202) 225-0600. I tested the number and it is to his office. Tell him and his crony Tea Partier's to get it done NOW! $40 is my weekly gas money. Tell them to stop being jerks and help the American people.

Added by indiana.activist on December 22, 2011 at 7:42am — No Comments

Unity: Building the Movement, Envisioning an Endgame.

A few weeks ago, I attended a planning group for the East Bay Social Forum.  I want to thank Laura Wells for her leadership on this event.  I think this effort is important and I encourage everyone to consider participating.  There are two dates currently on the calendar: Jan 2, and Jan 28.  Please save the dates and plan to attend if you are in the Bay Area.  

There are…

Added by John Mulkins on December 22, 2011 at 1:23am — No Comments

May The Richness of the Darkness Hold Many Blessings

 "I've just been to the annual memorial service for homeless people who have died in boston this year and there was a lot of talk about those living in Occupy and how confused and even more homeless the homeless people feel since its been shut down.  May the richness of the darkness hold many blessings ....   Debbie"
Debbie is founder and exceutive director of Ecclesia Ministries,a global ministry to the homeless whose homebase is here on my island in Maine..  It…

Added by Lindsay Newland Bowker on December 21, 2011 at 3:01pm — 1 Comment

What do you want in a Presidential Candidate?

Talking to potential Presidential candidates.  Wondering if any Occupy activists are interested in a discussion on what they are looking for in a candidate.

Added by David Collison on December 21, 2011 at 10:33am — 5 Comments

What is the most important change we need to make?

An incident on Occupy London comment stream, set me thinking,...A young man was having a rant, raving about the older generation being idiots, mainly because of the environmental and economic situation they are inheriting from us. He was warned - a few times then banned. When I thought about it he was going about his complaints the wrong way but he was young and we are the mature adults - but he did have a point and perhaps it might have been diffused if he was listened to and we had…


Added by Gael Bage on December 20, 2011 at 4:53pm — 6 Comments

You Are What The Earth and Its Creatures Need

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.

Martha Graham

Added by Lindsay Newland Bowker on December 19, 2011 at 5:49pm — No Comments

Free Poverty, Promise, and Possibility curriculum

Would most welcome feedback on, and use of, these video productions from the Poverty, Promise, and Possibility initiative:

Added by Bart Schultz on December 17, 2011 at 6:39pm — No Comments

"The Money Masters" video is a must-see for those moving deeper into the Occupy movement

This youtube video series is a must-see for those moving deeper into the Occupy movement. It's called "The Money Masters" and very effectively unveils the story of money - how it gets created, and how certain men throughout history have manipulated it. Understanding important aspects of our history gives us the power of choice - to repeat it, or change it.…


Added by Vic Desotelle on December 16, 2011 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Bail-out Bombshell: Fed "Emergency" Bank Rescue Totaled $29 Trillion Over Three Years

I reprinted the beginning of this article by J. Andrew Felkerson from as it sheds more light on the complete failure of the current financial system.  Not that we didn't already know it is a failed system, but Felkerson's research may reveal a magnitude of collapse that may make even those politicians, in the…


Added by Jitendra Darling on December 16, 2011 at 10:30pm — 3 Comments


Something to think about. 125+ Million People in America are poor or in Poverty according to the US Census Bureau.

On the same day this report came out, it was reported that Third World countries that produce the cotton for Victoria Secret's Underwear use child labor. Victoria Secret and other corporations use third world countries to produce our goods because they say it cost too much for the thongs…


Added by indiana.activist on December 16, 2011 at 7:36am — No Comments

London Police Declare Occupy Terrorists

Just pulled this off the "Occupy Live Feed"

To me all along this has been the real threat of the darcpnian police provisions President Obama has just agreed to go along with ( witholding veto)

When I witnessed those young eople taking pepper spray I had this ahunating sense that our police have been preparig for an…


Added by Lindsay Newland Bowker on December 15, 2011 at 7:27pm — 4 Comments

Obama Renegs on Commitment to Veto Unlimited Detention

Several "live feed "links rolling by and here is another

This is at once shocking and not suprising..can we trust obama on any of his pledges to veto?

Added by Lindsay Newland Bowker on December 15, 2011 at 2:24pm — 2 Comments

Weekly Cafe Calls

Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

"Vital Conversations" 

8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"

1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

Latest Activity

Clay Forsberg posted a blog post

"Happy Birthday Occupy Wall Street ... thoughts on Year One"

Fifteen years ago, I ran across a book, "100 Most Influential People in History," during one of my dalliances to my local Marin County bookstore. "Influential People" was one man's assessment on exactly that. But how he determined his rankings was the interesting part. They weren't always the reasons you would think. But after thinking about it, they made complete sense. For example:George Washington was ranked in the top 40 of all time. Understandable. But the reason why ... not so much. You…See More
Sep 20, 2012
Clay Forsberg is now a member of Occupy Cafe
Sep 20, 2012
Vic Desotelle posted a group

Leadership Ecology

When a Leadership Ecology occurs, a web of relationships emerges revealing each person’s authentic leadership qualities through the transfer of their power to others. When done in a conscious way – a shared collaborative awakening happens.See More
Feb 6, 2012
Vic Desotelle posted a blog post
Feb 3, 2012


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